Learn to deal with changes, to adapt and stay in control of your future.

Who is this for?: 
All employees who have to deal with changes and want to remain agile in the field of work.

The training lasts 3 hours and is offered live.

Change in your work environment brings uncertainty. You have to deal with different emotions and obstructive thoughts. Even if you do not become redundant yourself, you can be emotionally involved with departing colleagues and the possible consequences for your own work context. How do you experience it yourself, how do you (re)take control of your career path with more self-confidence and positive  energy?


  • Better undersanding of change management and processes;
  • There will be time to acknowledge and reflect on emotions with the curve of Kübler-Ross in mind
  • Endure and keep going; becoming aware of the need to change
  • A life full of (continuous) change.

How to register

Sign up here. This can be done up to 24 hours before the start of the training

After you have registered, ING will be informed that you have signed up for this training. This will be used for evaluation and analysis purposes.